
Showing posts from April, 2019

Account of my experience at an Indian Restaurant in Basingstoke

Hey all! As some of you may know, I love to review food and restaurants when I go to new areas and this time due to my cousins wedding we had to go to Basingstoke and you can say that I was stoked! Okay, bad jokes aside, my cousin really wanted to have a unique wedding so as the bridesmaid (No other reasons, such as Food.) I took it upon myself to find something unique for her wedding menu. My cousin has always had a thing for Indian food and I … not so much. Hear me out, I have never really had Indian food because I only once tried a Samosa from a street vendor and I got sick, the problem probably was the location and not the type of food but since then I haven’t wanted to test that theory. However, this was a special occasion so I Googled Indian Restaurant in Basingstoke like a true detective and found Spicy Tadka , it wasn’t hard to find since it was on the first page of the search, but the restaurant had competition so I decided what’s better than checking it out myself.